Gravelbourg Dental Clinic

Dental Bridges in Gravelbourg

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge does exactly what it sounds like—bridges a gap in the teeth. To create a dental bridge, we suspend a false tooth over the gap and attach it to nearby teeth or crowns (or to dental implants). Many people choose dental bridges as a restorative option because they are affordable and quite simple. They are also a versatile treatment option, with many different types of dental bridges that can be created to suit unique circumstances.

What You Should Know About Dental Bridges

Dental bridges can be made to match the look of the surrounding teeth, creating a beautiful and natural-looking restoration. The costs can vary widely depending on how many teeth are being replaced, what type of bridge is created, and the materials we choose. Most dental bridges last anywhere from 5 to 10 years, depending on several factors, including regular at-home cleaning and good dental hygiene. 

Types of Dental Bridges

No two mouths are the same, and tooth loss can affect people in very different ways. We can create a dental bridge that fits your needs, whether you have lost just one tooth or many. Certain types of dental bridges, such as traditional bridges, require healthy teeth on one or more sides of the gap. Others, such as implant-supported dental bridges, can be constructed even when there are large gaps or when surrounding teeth cannot support the bridge. We’ll look at your specific circumstances and recommend the best fit for your needs. 

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