Gravelbourg Dental Clinic

Composite Dental Fillings in Gravelbourg

Composite Dental Fillings

The teeth are made to be durable, but despite this, even consistent and excellent dental care can’t always prevent cavities from occurring. This can weaken the teeth and, left untreated, lead to other oral health issues. Our dental team can use composite dental fillings to restore your teeth to full strength. Composite resin can be shaped and coloured to match your natural teeth, and they look so good, you might have trouble spotting them after a filling!

Why Are Fillings So Important?

FIllings are most often used to restore teeth with cavities or small holes that may become cavities. Cavities are holes that form in the hard material of the outer tooth due to decay. When cavities are not filled in, bacteria can enter into the soft inner pulp of the tooth and the tooth root and cause infections. Fillings for cavities are important because they protect the health of the tooth. They also support the tooth’s structure, reinforcing it to prevent larger holes, chips, or cracks. Finally, fillings can restore an even look to the teeth, as they can be shaped and coloured to match the natural tooth structure. 

When to See Our Dentists

Regular oral examinations are usually our best bet for finding and repairing holes in the teeth while they are still small. However, they do sometimes occur between visits. If you have a recurring toothache, there is a chance that you could require a filling. Holes in the teeth can lead to increased sensitivity and pain, so it’s best to have your teeth checked over by a dentist. Book an oral examination for you or your child today so we can get to cavities before they become problematic.

Gravelbourg Dental

Creating Beautiful & Healthy Smiles at Gravelbourg Dental