Gravelbourg Dental Clinic

Restorative Dentistry in Gravelbourg

Restorative Dentistry

It’s easy to take a full mouth of teeth for granted while you have them, but once you’ve experienced tooth loss, you’re more aware of the importance of every tooth in your mouth. Our restorative dentistry procedures aim to help people maintain a full mouth of healthy teeth (whether they’re natural or false!) This ensures you can eat, chew, and speak easily, and helps you take care of your oral health well into the future. 

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding uses a composite resin material that can be moulded to the tooth to repair or cover imperfections. The resin can be matched to the colour of the tooth, resulting in a restoration that is difficult to spot in the mouth. Bonding may be used to repair chips or cracks, fix issues with the shape or spacing of teeth, or cover discoloured teeth. Composite resin is the same durable material that we use for fillings for cavities.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a recommended solution to replace an extracted tooth. The implant involves two main pieces: the metal post that serves as the artificial root and the pontic or artificial tooth that sits on top. Once a dental implant is placed it looks and functions like a natural tooth. With one or more dental implants, you can continue to eat, bite, and speak with confidence and ease.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge does exactly what it sounds like—bridges a gap in the teeth. To create a dental bridge, we suspend a false tooth over the gap and attach it to nearby teeth or crowns (or to dental implants). Many people choose dental bridges as a restorative option because they are affordable and quite simple. They are also a versatile treatment option, with many different types of dental bridges that can be created to suit unique circumstances.

Composite Dental Fillings

The teeth are made to be durable, but despite this, even consistent and excellent dental care can’t always prevent cavities from occurring. This can weaken the teeth and, left untreated, lead to other oral health issues. Our dental team can use composite dental fillings to restore your teeth to full strength. Composite resin can be shaped and coloured to match your natural teeth, and they look so good, you might have trouble spotting them after a filling!


Our Gravelbourg Dental Clinic team is pleased to offer dentures in our clinic. We can provide full or partial dentures suited to exactly what you need. Tooth loss affects many people in our community, and it often starts earlier than people expect. When this happens, it’s important to your oral and overall health to have reliable and comfortable replacements. Dentures are a great option to “fill the gap” when tooth loss begins to affect your life, or the lives of your loved ones.

Gravelbourg Dental

Creating Beautiful & Healthy Smiles at Gravelbourg Dental