Gravelbourg Dental Clinic

Tooth Extractions in Gravelbourgh

Teeth Extractions

Tooth extractions are always a last resort, as it’s our goal to help preserve as many of your natural teeth as possible. However, there are some circumstances when it makes sense to remove a tooth or several teeth. Our dental offices are fully equipped to handle simple extractions, including wisdom tooth removal. If you have a troublesome tooth or you are concerned about your child’s teeth or wisdom teeth, book an appointment to learn more about your options.

How We Plan Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions involve some planning and preparation. We’ll want to take detailed digital x-rays of the tooth being extracted and the surrounding areas, including nearby teeth, tooth roots, and the gums. Once we’ve determined the best way to go about a tooth extraction, we’ll also talk to you about the restoration process. In some cases, we may need to replace a tooth to ensure that the surrounding teeth don’t shift out of place and to restore your full biting capacity. A tooth restoration won’t be possible until the socket from the tooth extraction is fully healed.

What to Expect After a Tooth Extraction 

Not all tooth extractions look the same, but the aftercare for an extraction is typically quite similar. After your tooth has been extracted, you’ll likely have some mild discomfort and sensitivity in your mouth. To protect the socket during the healing process, you’ll want to avoid solid foods for the first few days, sticking to soups, yogurt, smoothies, and other soft or blended foods. Our team will send you home with a full list of aftercare instructions. 

Gravelbourg Dental

Creating Beautiful & Healthy Smiles at Gravelbourg Dental