Gravelbourg Dental Clinic

Dental Appliances in Gravelbourg

Dental Appliances

Dental appliances are removable dental supports that can help you protect your teeth and mouth or continue an orthodontic treatment. When it comes to dental appliances you have to wear regularly, it’s important to ensure they fit well and feel comfortable. Custom-made dental appliances from a dental office are form-fitted to your mouth and made from safe and highly durable materials.

Night Guards

Night guards are used to protect the mouth, jaw, and head while you sleep. This is particularly important if you grind or clench your teeth (a condition known as bruxism). A night guard fits over the top or bottom arch of teeth, and it’s made from a smooth plastic material that doesn’t allow for friction when the teeth are clenched or ground. A well-fitted, professional-grade nightguard can protect your teeth, gums, tongue, soft tissue, jaw, and neck from damage caused during nighttime teeth grinding. 


Orthodontic treatments are designed to align and straighten the teeth. While there are different orthodontic options, including clear aligner therapy and traditional orthodontics (braces), most treatment options will require that you wear a retainer for some time after your treatment is done. This is a transitional portion of the treatment that doesn’t actually move the teeth. Instead, it keeps them in their newly aligned positions after the treatment so they don’t move back into their original positions. 

Sports Mouth Guards

Sports can be hard on the mouth, whether you’re at a kids’ amateur soccer game or a professional-level hockey game. If you or your kids play high-impact sports, mouth guards can be a great way to protect their oral health. In fact, sports mouth guards can help protect the teeth and mouth, head, and neck from significant impacts. We can fit and construct professional-grade mouth guards that feel comfortable and conform perfectly to your teeth and mouth.

Gravelbourg Dental

Creating Beautiful & Healthy Smiles at Gravelbourg Dental